onsdag 8. september 2010

The wish of a heart,

I want my life to be extraordinary normal!

I want it to be so of God, that anything else would be weird.

I want it to be about Jesus all the time, but in a relaxed and "that's just the way it is" way.

Nothing fancy, but extraordinary normal.

So of God that there is no doubt that He is real in my life.

I want God to be the single most important thing in my life.

I want everything I do, to be done in a way that gives Him glory, all the simple little things to. Not just the big things. I want to live honest and true.

I want to put God first, then me, then the others. I want to live a life that speaks of his Love.

I want to embrace life, and all that it throws at me. I want to go through the hard times knowing for sure that I’m not alone, that He will never let go.

I want to keep my eyes set on the finish line, even when I fall. I don't want to be perfect, I want Him to shine trough me. I want to live a life that points to Jesus

I want to see what I can only see trough Him. I want my heart to hurt for what hurts His heart. I don't want a heart that only feels joy, I want to be feeling the hurt for the hurting, for the lost and broken. I want God to be the solution.

I don't want to live a "safe" life. I want to live a life of risks, trusting God and not myself.

I want to be shaken.

I want my eyes to open.

I don't want to be a sleep walker.

I want more of God. As much as I can get, and then some.

I want to love like you do; I want to live like you lived. I want my life to Honor You!

I want my life to be extraordinary normal, and full of you.

turns into prayer

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