Wrapped in arms of unconditional love. Washing away all of my pain, all of my sorrows, all of the stress. Giving it up to You. Sitting next to You. Not doing anything. Just being me. Just listening to your soft whispering. You Love me, always, and forever. Letting You Love me, with all that You are. Letting You love me, so that I can love others. Letting you put me first so that I, in a little while can put others first. Here I am. At your feet. Once more. God, I have nothing that’s good in me. I have nothing that is worthy of you. All I have is a damage life, my pain and my failure. Will you take it?
At your feet. Once more. I will never learn. But I will always let You love me. I’ll let Your love cover me. Once more.
You Love me.
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